Our house groups are small groups of 5-15 people who gather together twice a month (usually 2nd and 4th Wednesday) to grow deeper with each other in God’s Word and who support one another throughout the week.
For more information contact: [email protected]
As a church, we’re a family that is ‘all-hands-on-deck’. We have a number of ministry teams from catering to buildings to mission and outreach and pastoral care. Serving also takes place throughout the week in the activities we run as well as informally through members looking out for and supporting one another.
At FLEC, we have a heart for the nations. Over many years, we have sent out and supported numerous missionaries which we call our Away Team. We also support other organisations which bring both spiritual and practical help to those in need around the world. We give at least 30% of our budget away each year and regularly hear updates from those on the mission field at home and abroad. We actively encourage short-term mission trips too.
If you’d like to know more about getting involved with international mission at FLEC, email us at [email protected]
We are an independent church which relies on the generosity of our members to support our work and ministries; more than 30% of the income that the Church receives is used to support Christian work in this country and abroad.
We are so grateful for the generous giving of our members which enables us to continue to do this.